Guide: Creating Events
Welcome back to our series of tutorials for Pickled.App! In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of creating an event or game and posting it so your friends can sign up. Let’s get started!
Step 1: Access the “Create Event” Form
To create a new event or game, click any date / “New Document” link on the left side of the screen. This will open the “Create Event” form with various options for customizing your event.
Step 2: Fill Out the Event Details
The form includes the following options for you to customize your event. Pickled.App will also remember your settings for future events, saving you time on reentering information:
- Location: The court location where this event will be hosted.
- Date: The date the event is scheduled for.
- Time: The event start time.
- Duration: The expected duration of the event.
- Type: The type of event (drill, doubles, open, tournament, etc).
- Gender: Any specific gender requirements.
- Minimum Players: The minimum number of players needed for this event.
- Maximum Players: The maximum number of players allowed to sign up.
- Guests Per Player: The maximum number of guests each player can hold a spot for.
- Maximum Waitlist: If the event is full, the maximum number of players that can sign up for the waitlist.
- Courts: The number of courts that will be used for this event.
- Minimum Skill: The minimum player skill level required to sign up for this event. Players with a skill lower than this number will not be able to sign up.
- Maximum Skill: The maximum player skill level for this event. Players with a skill higher than this number will not be able to sign up.
- Note: Any special notes you want to add to inform players.
- Attending: Enable (yellow) if you plan to attend this event.
- Invite Only: If enabled, this will be a private event that is only visible to players that are invited. The invite list can be either your: 1.) friends list, 2.) favorites list, or 3.) a custom player club that you have defined.
Step 3: Embrace the Pickled.App Community Responsibility
Before submitting your event, kindly acknowledge the community-driven nature of Pickled.App. Check the box to confirm that although Pickled.App is not a reservation system and does not grant special rights to the venue, it serves as a platform to connect with fellow pickleball players to enjoy the sport we love. By checking this box, you accept responsibility for adhering to local court rules and obtaining any required reservations or permits for your event. This simple act helps create a pleasant and hassle-free experience for all participants.
Awesome! Now you’re ready to create and post events in Pickled.App, making it easy for friends and other players to sign up and join in the fun! Stay tuned for more tutorials in this series to help you make the most of your Pickled.App experience. Happy playing!